Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts... Guess I should re-consider about getting a Kole for now as I really do like my lawnmower blenny.
Originally Posted by cuz
My Kole and Lawn mower do pester each other. But it's not in what I'd call a bad way. It's almost as if they play together, from what I've seen when the blenny's had enough he let's the kole know it!!
Originally Posted by bkelly
My kole terrorizes my lawnmower, the lawnmower has to get creative to get at its grazing , it hides mostly because of the kole. My kole isnt even that big, may just be him though.
My lawnmover blenny is at least 4" long... I made one mistake once and that was to have two lawnmover blennys. Only one survived

. Will a small-med Kole still harrass a blenny that is bigger in size or will the blenny dominate a small/med Kole?