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Old 08-15-2011, 01:18 AM
msjboy msjboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: burnaby
Posts: 268
msjboy is on a distinguished road

Check with the keywords "marine aquarium".... The book i thought was ok is The marine reef aquarium by phil hunt. Most books are pre 2008.....and seems outdated with new technology /methodologies coming into the knowlegde base thru collective minds unavailable a few yrs go. Seems forums like canreef, reefsantuary, etc have a much better knowledge base and specialization than these books and i can only suggest reading them if you are a newbie. Maybe this is why we dont see too many new books on marine aquaria.

Also, check out libraries... They have many of the books shown at; especially the vancouver one. Also check the freebie app, pocketreef for iphone.
Hope this helps

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