Originally Posted by fishytime
unmounted is fine.......I mount things just fine on my own  ......I'll try texting ya....that might be the best way to coordinate.....
I thought I would post a short vid of my new additions......I know peoples track records with them......and Laurie thinks Im stupid for trying...........but Ive always wanted to do a group of fish........so, I added 14 chromis.......its only been a day, buts I can say that its really neat seeing the initial behavior.......the chromies were of course stressed when first introduced so they stayed in a tight ball formation for the better part of the evening..very cool to watch.......it was kinda weird, non of my usual bullies paid them any attention......most of my resident fish were curious but not at all aggressive....... they probably thought they were being invaded by little blue/green aliens  ....... only one fish seemed really irritated by the new arrivals......my royal gramma.....usually one of the most passive fish I have, but man was he P oed.......it actually ended up being quite the show.....the gramma stayed "puffed up" and agitated for a couple hours......strutting and chasing and flaring and posing.........it was cool.......I wish he would do that more often  ......anyway, its only been a day and the chromis are already starting to break into smaller groups at times.....I wanted to take and post the vid of them while I,..... A) still have 14 of them......and B) while they were still acting as a group, not individuals...... its just a short vid and it kinda looks like the Blair witch project because I took the vid with my I-phone.....

The Powder Blue and Flameback look great buddy...

Well the whole tank is looking good.. but those 2 really stand out.