Thread: bugs ore not
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Old 08-11-2011, 09:22 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Victoria
Posts: 320
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water par.

Cal. 500 (I know, I know,) I'm gust waiting to go down a bit, I made one batch of my bailing to strong

KH generally kept at a steady 8 to 8.5

mag: 1400 steady

nitrate, nitrite, amonia all 0.00

so from water quallety point of vew, yes there have bin some swings the last 3 weeks in the KH and CAL. becouse I did mix the bailing wrong, and found out later

I did start with ZEOVIT, but this is sinds 10 days now, and I can only se improvements in mostly all coral (growth tips and PE)

the white base and discolloring is something that has started about 3 months ago.

Lights I know that the phoenix bulbs where 1 year last month (my LED unit should be running the upcomming 2 week, I have waited with the bulbs becouse of the LED's that go over it.

chem ware: I dont know, corals are far appart (it is a 350 gal tank !!) and only have a few mushrooms and a lether coral (and about 30% LPS)

as mentioned, I cant find any, and I have bin locking for a few weeks, even with a microscope nothing there

I did a Salifert Flatworm treatment on the entire tank about 4 weeks ago
(5 times in 15 days) as it has proven to kill a fair bit of bugs, and asI could not se anything, I did it gust in case there was, and I missed them.

furthermore there is ROX runnin (1.5 cup, of what I replace 1/2 cup each 2 weeks

water change I do each 2 weeks 40 gallon -- this on the opposit week of the carbon change

than there is 1.5 cup of GFO that I change each month


as there have bin some slight changes, lights are on there replacment, water par. swings I think it is gust that the corals ar not 100% happy, but wanted to se if there is somone that could se potential bugs that I have missed.

so more ore less if no one sees simptoms of bugs, it must be the overall things that happened, if thy think thy se damage from a bug, than I can lock spesiffic for it.

as mentioned, I do se lots of posetive things happening with the zeo I ad
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