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Old 08-10-2011, 01:36 PM
mr.wilson mr.wilson is offline
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Originally Posted by MEDHBSI View Post
what is that red coral with the white feeders?
It's a spider sponge from Australia. It is non-photosynthetic and we have had three of them for about three months now and they appear to be doing well. It's a sponge with a symbiotic/commensal colonial polyp growing on it. We don't target feed due to the shear size of the tank, but we feed 0-150 micron powdered coral foods via an Eheim feeder located in the sump, just above the return intake. The pump delivers food four times a day and we are planning on expanding this system to include frozen foods as well. They are considered to be very difficult to keep, but large tanks harbour a lot of zooplankton that comes out at night.
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