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Old 08-10-2011, 01:18 PM
mr.wilson mr.wilson is offline
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
nucking futs.... how much does it cost to insure his house with that much water contained in the basement
I was there when the insurance underwriter was inspecting the house. She didn't have any major concerns about the tank. They asked for a "water mitigation device" which is basically an auto shut-off solenoid for the water main entering the house. It's connected to the 3 water bugs (water sensors) in the fish room and under the tank. I don't know if they are located in other parts of the house as well or if it was even related to the tank or just a new thing they push for high end homes. I set the water alarm off three times so far, it only takes a few drops of water. The fish room is waterproof up to 6" and there is a floor drain. Everything has a fail safe and there is always someone there to keep an eye on things.
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