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Old 08-10-2011, 05:30 AM
CGY_Betta_Guy CGY_Betta_Guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 44
CGY_Betta_Guy is on a distinguished road

20110808 - Its been a very busy number of months for me and unfortunately maintenance on my tanks(especially this one) took a bit of a back seat. Now I have a renewed desire to get back at it since summer is pretty much going to end soon.

After months of removing clumps of the below growths I decided to leave it to grow and see what happens. I still dont know what to do about what this stuff is and still am not really sure what each of the growths is. If anyone can help me identify this stuff and tell me whether its good or bad that would be great. I guess its all bad and I think its about time to try and cure those live rock or replace them unless someone has a better idea.

This stuff is growing out of the joint between the elbow and the spray bar and has spread to another chunk of live rock too.

I had been fighting bubble algae for the first couple months... this is the only spot left in the tank

My fish havent seemed to mind too much.

Also found this guy in my sump... can anyone identify the snail?

Quite happy with the sump setup, I have very slow evaporation and the skimmer doesnt take out too much liquid each week.
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