ive been into planted tanks for a while now and have wanted to try out salt, i bought a 12g cad lights tank to start with and have been slowly collecting supplies for it but still needed quite a bit to get it started.
a few days ago a friend told me he knew someone getting out of the hobby and need some cash so he sold me a 60 gallon tank with a marineland skimmer , fluval 304 canister filter , heater, marineland power head. as well as about 80 ponds of live rock , crushed coral and two clown fish and a few shrimp. all for 240 bucks. a good deal in my opinion. Oh and a shiny Refractometer, i have no idea how to use it but its neat looking.
So i got the tank moved into the house without too much trouble and now i need to start setting up the 12 gallon. (Im on a time line to get the 60g out of the bedroom or im in big trouble)
as this is my first sw tank i have no idea what im doing with sp im reading and improvising as i go along.
my tank came with no media other than the big blue ball for my media rack so i will have to find some stuff.
Tank: CAD 12g
Filtration: refugium with crushed coral. nothing in media rack right now
Circulation: koralia nano and stock refugium return pump.
Lighting: CAD mini t5HO 2 x white 2 x blue
Heater: Fluval m100
Substrate: regular white sand
live rock: quantity yet to be determined will be picked from big tank.
Stocking plans
(came with big tank)
2 x clowns
2 x sexy shrimp
2 x other shrimp
4 x hermit crabs not sure what kind
1 coral currently living on rock (unknown)
on top of the stuff im moving over i plan on getting some more corals but i will be holing off until i get some advice.