If they were the same size, id gamble it. But if smaller... id sit on it for awhile. He has been pretty well behaved of late. Last night proved to me he was the king of the tank.
While feeding the puffer or eel, your in a race to get food away from the puffer, or throw food at the puffer than quickly feed the eel... its a challange to fend of the garberator known as puff. But last night I took some silversides in my claw, and put them in front of the stone, the puff raced at the stone, then stopped dead.. and just stared at the food as if pondering.. "I know you are a little crazy.. but if you dont want it, I do.. so you going to take it.. hmm.. come on, make up your mind" then proceeded some slow cautious snags at the food. It was kinda fun to watch my puffer being cautious.
In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.