Poor purchasing etiquette
I appologize if this is not a topic I can post however I feel people should not be taking advantage of others when purchasing from a fellow member.
Recently I sold my tank off as a package. The purchaser and I agreed upon a price well below what I was asking for due to the fact that I was in a hurry to take it down. Taking their word in good faith I began tearing down my tank. They then told me they needed to run to the bank to get the rest of the money and assured me I could keep taking things apart.
Once my tank was taken apart, deep sand disturbed they came back telling me they had $30 less than what we had agreed to and wanted to take less than what they had agreed to.
In the best interest of my livestock and to prevent them from living in a half torn down tank with a disturbed sand bed possibly releasing toxic gases I was forced to give away my tank for 30% less than the price we had agreed to which was much lower than what I was asking in the first place.
I guess the lesson learned for everyone is ask to see the money up front. Seems like even in a hobby we cannot trust others.
This is the first and will definately be the last time I will be running into a situation like this.
I understand we sometimes don't have what we think in the bank account but wouldn't common courtesy suggest bringing the money you agree to even if it is the next day or week?
Anyway I appologize for venting on the board but I just hope others might learn from my loss.