Thread: Orphek or AI
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Old 08-08-2011, 06:31 PM
southerner2 southerner2 is offline
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I am a rookie reefer. Check my post and look at my tank. I am not running a very elaborate system and it is slow in coming. I am planning to upgrade to a 120g or so in the next year and wanted a system that I could "take with me" to the new tank. I went back and forth with the AI/Orphek thing for a long time (months). There are a lot of differences between the two and dimming is only one of them and that didn't matter to me because I knew I wouldn't play with it after the first day or two.

WHAT I BELIEVE- people spend a lot of money on their tanks, an inordinate amount of that money goes into the lighting systems. The last thing that most of us will do is to admit that the 1000's we dropped wasn't the best purchase possible. Most people will never admit that they didn't make the best choice. It's hard to spend that money and I only spent $850. Imagine people buying 3 or 4 lights and then realizing that oops...I should have bought..........take my coralife skimmer for example (ugghhh) it still hurts to think about it.

For me the all the hype around the LED thing boils down to success of tanks. It is true that most of the systems out there were grown out with MH and then switched to LED....It's just a fact for now because the tecnology is still new. So, I had to look, listen and evaluate for myself. The biggest thing that did it for me is when I saw tanks from my own marine society that had either AI or Orphek. Several of the guys in our club have AI and one guy and his wife went with Orphek. In talking with both "camps" The thing I found was they were both happy. I asked a lot of questions, algae growth, coral growth, feeding response to moonlighting, on and on and on....these people probably thought I would never leave their homes.....The couple even had my wife and I stay for dinner.....hahaha

In the end I went with Orphek beacause of a few factors:
1. Less DT algae under the Orphek
2. I like the color better. This is both about the color of the water and the coloration of the corals. I didn't like blue water. I liked the bright vibrant colored corals.
3. Coral growth- The couple with the Orphek saw better growth in their system and the amount of new growth visible on their colonies was impressive. The AI tanks had some growth as well... just not as much.
4. Apparent quality and long term reliability. This was obviously an opinion thing on my part I offered to disassemble their fixtures, they politely declined so I had to just look and touch and read.

I realize that the first 3 could be as much a result of the individual systems I saw the lights on as anything. However in my search I found a couple of tanks that gave me what I needed....a true side by side comparison. This tank really "did" it for me.....
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