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Old 08-05-2011, 02:30 PM
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Gripenfelter Gripenfelter is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Gripenfelter is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by phi delt reefer View Post
get some mollies and slowly aclimate them to our tanks salinty so they become full blown saltwater fish. Then just breed them and feed em to the lion. I dunno how much work that is but i know a couple guys on nano-reef that have successfully introduced mollies into their saltwater tanks.
Thing is I'm trying to get this fish off of live food for the sake of my chromis, damsels, cardinals, and clowns lol.

The LFS has a big 12" lionfish that eats flake food and pellets so I know it can be done lol.

314 gallon Drop Off Reef tank. 150 gallon sump. Bean Animal Overflow. Various Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Inverts, Corals, etc.
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