I would avoid the dwarf angels if you are going for a mixed reef. They can start to pick on anything at any point in time. Good luck getting them out at that time.
As for a harem of fish, the best ones are Longspine Cardinalfish. Marine Aquaria has a harem of them if you are interested in seeing what they look like in person. Anthias can be very tricky to keep alive and healthy. If you do add cardinals, I would put them in first.
As Grizz pointed out, multiple different wrasse's are very colorfull, usually peacefull and quite active. You will need a covered top with what you are adding anyway. These could be added after cardinals, if you go that route. You could also add a midas blenny and a royal gramma at the same time.
You could look at some of the smaller type of tangs, but that sailfin is going to look really big after a while. Yellow, purple, kole, chocolate, or scopas tangs should work. I would add tangs last.