Stocking suggestions for 135gal
Well we are very close to having the 135 up and running. Will be combining the 60 and the 29 into it at set up.
Not much in the way of fish is making the move over so it is time to start planning the stocking list as I will have to order them in.
Looking for suggestions.
Making the move over (existing fish) will be:
Sailfin tang
Tomato Clown
2 x blue green cromis
Pink spot goby
Flame Firefish
Not at all sure I want to do a bunch of tangs.
Would like suggestion's on a "harem" fish.
Thinking about maybe doing a flame/coral beauty/potter's/and either a bicolour or lemon peel collection of dwarf angels instead of a tang collection.
Tank is a 6-footer and will be mixed reef.
In addition to your suggested list please add your opinion on order of introduction.
Thanks much in advance for suggestions.