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Old 08-02-2011, 11:17 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by jorjef View Post
Only problem is where does it end? what about the people addicted to alcohol and gambling that have become non productive members of society? are they up next to the "dole dispensing agencies" . This is a slippery slope in todays bleeding heart overerly empathic governments we have today.
Totally dude. And these are the same arguments that I have against these particular methods as well. We don't have a system that solves the problem nor are these programs the catch all solution. But we need to try things to find solutions, or rather form a framework that begins to contain the issue. Where do the "dole" programs end?... I dunno... but I feel OK with them being implemented in areas where, if they exist, it can make it safer for the non-addicted and the addicted alike.

Don't construe these initiatives as being empathetic; they're probably far from it as it keeps those addicted addicted, which is more of a hell than any prison sentence or punishment that we can give someone (ask anyone who knows someone who was or is addicted). All these are doing is recognizing that empathic initiatives (like trying to rehabilitate each and every addicted user) don't work for those who don't want the help. So, if it is a problem that you can't fix, you may as well try to find ways to contain it and make it safer for those involved and the society that surrounds it.
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