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Old 08-02-2011, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I'm not the type to go for snake oils, and I am never the first person on the wagon! I have heard/seen some very mixed reviews of the Biopellets. I would not use them on my tank.

I would suggest Prodibio for nutrient reduction. Just the Bioptim and Biodigest which can be bought separately or together in a pack called BioClean. You will use up twice as many Bioptim as Biodigest. You dose the vials once every 2 weeks which takes about 1.5 minutes, and you can't overdose.
I don't want to be a jerk here...but,

Can you tell me the exact list of ingredients in all the Prodibio products?

Without providing the ingredients you can't in good faith call Biopellets Snake Oil while in the same breath promote another system for which no ingredients lists are provided by the manufacturer.

Last edited by Parker; 08-02-2011 at 08:18 PM.
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