Some shots of the new stuff I've acquired in the last couple of weeks.
These are all under my "mid-day" lights
From Gold's $15 Acan blow out tank... 1 is definitely the kind of Acan I'm used to, the other i'm not sure if it's actually an Acan or not, looked nice and for $15 why not! The colours on the first one are much better in person... I couldn't seem to get the white balance on it. Second one looks pretty close to how it looks in the tank
From Red Coral I picked up a beautiful green and purple Acan
From Fishytime, a couple of frags. Blue polyp birdsnest and Acropora Convexa
And the obligatory FTS... I also added some dry rock, I'll bet you can't guess which pieces! I did some rescaping to get my blue and green acroporas up closer to the top. I have been having trouble with my SPS losing colour slowly... I think it's because the reefbrites just don't cut it

so I'm hoping the move upwards will give them their colour back!