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Old 07-30-2011, 11:42 PM
Nebthet Nebthet is offline
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Default My Surprise!! Clownfish laid first batch of eggs!

So, I came home today after four days away and when my lights came on and I started to put in some top off water I noticed mamma clown wasn't sleeping in her BTA like she normally does. She was hanging around Pappa clown by the sebae anemone.

Then I decided to take a closer look, and at first I thought they were just algae growth on the rocks and then I saw them move.. and holy crap!!! My clowns have officially become a mated pair!! and have their first batch of eggs. I would have to say they are at least a couple days old as you can see the eyes beginning to develop.

The red circle is where the eggs are.

Pappa doing his job and tending to the eggs and keeping the water current over them.

Close up of the eggs. You can see the eyes beginning to develop.
Originally Posted by o.c.d. View Post
Nebthet Special Forces Aqua Division...Codename Nebanatior...Mission: Coral Recovery..... Don't say anymore on this form I've detected a key tap surveillance system ..I think they are on to you.. what hu no.. no....please..
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