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Old 07-30-2011, 12:58 PM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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It is unfortunate to hear about the SeaMax not Continue the next year.

I don't think the issue is because of it happening "off season", if anything the people attending or wanting to attend would have been there regardless of time of the year.

It sounds like it was a lack of promotion or advertising, something that plagues most rookie shows.

The concept is valid, having a venue close to the border is good. Just seems that someone within the organization should have looked into export of non CITES items. As you did need the USFW permit To export, I was wondering how it would be issued on a weekend as the government offices would be closed.

I know I considered this as I was thinking of attending the SeaMax, but would have loved to bring samples and livestock back also.

Ken - BWA

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