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Old 07-29-2011, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by arash53 View Post
Thanks myka for great explanation

I am changing my main lights from pc to MH , I guess I should decrease my main light from 8 Hours to 6 , 2pm on 8pm off.

Is moonlight effects on anything or it is just for beauty and those not matter when goes on and off?
You're welcome.

When you are changing from a lower light setup to a much higher light setup you will want to go very slowly. Start off with only an hour or two of halide, and increase it by a half hour every 2-4 days watching how your corals are doing. Watch for shrunken flesh in LPS, and bleaching. Usually corals will bleach slowly when it comes to more light than they are used to, so if you see bleaching the problem has been happening for a few days already, so you would need to cut back by at least an hour before ramping up again even slower.

Moonlights are aesthetic. It is well known that spawning activity and many other behaviors are linked to the moon's phases. So moonlights came along, and people quickly realized that it is the gravitational pull of the moon's phases, not the actual light provided by the moon that affects the ocean's inhabitants.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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