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Old 07-29-2011, 01:46 AM
vince0 vince0 is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: calgary, ab
Posts: 43
vince0 is on a distinguished road

The tank is a 4ft 55g with a eshopps 75 hang on back skimmer, a 4ft HOT5 with a 10,000k and kz 14,000k bulbs on 6 hours a day. It has 2 koralia 1060 gph pumps, one per side aiming up for air exchange. It has 75lbs of live rock, and 40 lbs of live sand. I've been mostly testing for nitrates, which always register at zero, and I'm assuming that its becasue they various algeas are using it up.
if your not making mistakes, your probably not doing anything...
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