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Old 07-28-2011, 02:35 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by abcha0s@conceptaquatics View Post
One perspective that really stuck with me is that we are not killing this planet. The planet will be just fine. What we are killing is our ability to live on this planet.

Evolution will find a way...

- Brad
+1 After we kill ourselves off by our own stupidity the planet will still be here and thriving. It may not be as it is today but the world is ever changing. I think technology has brought a lot of fear to people. Now everything is monitored, probed, tracked, faked and available globally immediately. The problem is that it wasn't before and we have nothing to compare any of the compiled data to. Only a century ago the world was made up of thousands of microcosims were nobody knew anybody else's business. Now we are dealing with living as one big happy family that knows everybody else's business.
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