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Old 07-26-2011, 04:40 AM
reeferious reeferious is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 250
reeferious is on a distinguished road
Default waterchange frequency

i used to do bi-weekly 60 gal change with my 350 gal setup and everything was more or less just blooming. started following a lazier routine of vodka dosings, 2 part dosings and regular macro algae harvesting. everything look as fine as b/4. so i figure if your cal, kh, pot levels are fairly consistent and your nitrate and phosphate are insignificant you can get away with extened periods between waterchanges. thought about using our local georgia strait water source but then headache with filtering it clean and transporting back home outweight cost to make your own salt water. just my 2 pennies thought.
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