Originally Posted by lorenz0
You just answered yourself. One small change could have been made, but i'm sure nothing would have happened because it would have effected the economy. Wait did I just bring that up... yes. If something is a negative effect on some sort of profit they won't do it.
Btw I haven't listed reasons due to the fact that sounding like a broken record is not me. You know them, people preach about them, but yet no one gives a damn. Its because we depend on these things so much that giving them up is out of the question. EG. cars with one driver (how about driving trucks when you don't need to)
If you think I answered myself, you don get the question.
I dont feel that you or I choosing to buy only captive bred organisms will make any relative difference when the governements and the corporations they pander to take no accountability for themselves.
Even the "green revolution" you hear about is just a cash grab and a way to sell more product for more money.
Same as, IMO, charging more for captive bred aquaria.
It sounds nice on the surface, but you've still got to contend with the lumber mills of the world.
And there's alot more lumber millsout there than reef hobbyists...conscientious or otherwise.