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Old 07-23-2011, 05:50 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by arash53 View Post
Thanks for the advise ,the problem is the rock is covered with blue mushrooms and I dont want to kill them. I poll them as mush as I can every couple days but these things are really fast grow, currently they are only on one rock.
my emerald carb dosent toch them and I cant have tang in 34gallon and I cant boil the rock and kill all the mushrooms thats way I really dont know what todo ,
My LSF told me they are beneficial for the tank and people buy these algae from them and they have some in their Show tank !

But I just want them out of my tank

welcome to the reefing world lol (jking)so heres the thing we all have tough decisions and yours prob is to lose your mushrooms or get them scraped and put them somewhere else and then kill off the grape. another idea is to scrape what you can and epoxy the area so no further growth can happen if theres no nutrients then theres only one other source for food and if you block out the light then wha la
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