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Old 07-23-2011, 05:19 AM
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silentcivilian silentcivilian is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan
Posts: 249
silentcivilian is on a distinguished road

Ok.. update.

So, first off, sump is now fully setup and been running for 4 days without a leak. Awesome! Not bad for a jim rig job.. ill have pictures later of the true level of ghetto ive achieved. As for those who didnt hear by word of mouth, had it set up for 48 hours and then a intake line snapped in half.

Next, I had a lionfish.. but it didnt like my moray.. and love to sit on my stonefish.. so as I favour those two far over a lion.. he is gone.. he didnt make friends, so bye bye.. Another store has taken him in, and will love him, and nuture him in a tank full of lions, and he will become more loveable im sure.

I tried another tank mate as well. A 6" long chubby Harlequin Tuskfish. That lasted two hours before he became a sub $100 snack. And! I missed it.. at least if I had seen the lion take out the tusk, it would have been some what worth it.. but no such luck.. just missed it all together.

So I took some pictures tonight, so lets take a peek!

So lets play the game of find the stonefish

Future plans, Looking to get some more scorpions in the tank.. at least one more kind. Im kinda loving the pictures ive been finding of the raggy seen here click and here Click and here Click.

As for the daytime portion, I have a huge nest of Jasmine poylps, green star poylps. So like looking to add some cloves on the last section and just kinda let them take over. As always, look for more dendros in small colony's that I can add too. Considering a trigger too, but going to wait awhile till I can track down more scorps and let the puffer get used to the tank. As for swiming fish, its him and my cleaner wrasse of 2 years.

So im working on collection videos of feeding everyone, right now have a good one of the eel.. working on puffer and stoney.. but when I get all 3. ill post all 3 feeding.
In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.

Last edited by silentcivilian; 07-23-2011 at 05:21 AM.
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