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Old 01-22-2004, 07:43 PM
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Willito Willito is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Calgary
Posts: 443
Willito is on a distinguished road

thanks bluetang, I am planning to check out J&L. Do you know if they carry nice figi rocks on a consistant basis? I've seen pictures on their website but it's hard to tell what the actually have. That's why I am making the trip down rather than ordering online, I'd like to see what I am buying for $1000.

Off topic, a reputable LPS here in town used to order Premium Figi from J&L over the phone and they were told that the rocks were of premium quality. However, when arrived and the boxes were open, flies and maggots were encrusted not coralline. The majority of the rocks looked like base rocks. On two seperate occasion I seen this with my very eyes. Needless to say, the owner of that LPS doesn't hold J&L in high regard anymore. Not to knock J&L, maybe those two particular shipments were a direct delivery from the ocean and they had no control over it. But anywho, because of this experience I no longer will exercise the option of ordering online from J&L. I prefer to hand select my own stones.

Do you have any idea how far away j&l is from Van?
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