They do like to eat, and they do like metal halide a lot. Often when they are retracted and refuse to come out, it is probably a little late to try to feed them.
This does not mean they will die, but they might take a while to come out again. Shutting down pumps and putting some cyclops on them might do the trick but you might have to wait until they regain some strength before they will take the food. I find that my duncans do better under metal halide rather than T5HO but that's me.
If they don't grow new heads, they probably don't have enough light or enough food or both.
I had a frag that I have salvaged from one of my friend's tank that had nitrates at 100ppm and the duncan was really going to die, or looked like it. I saved it but it took a very long time to come back and even now it has small heads and does not eat as much as my own duncans. Do you have high level of nitrates?
And what type of light do you use?
Originally Posted by KevinK
thats interesting you say this.
I have 2 frags of them, one with 4 and one with 5 heads.
one sits on the gravle and the other about 10 inches from the top.
one always had short tenticles of about 1/2 inch
the other was a nice flower size like 2 to 3 inches, than over time (6 months) thy bothe went down to only 1/8 of a inch and dont want to open up.
thy are still alive, but already for about a year thy dont do a thing, where all other coral around it and in my frag tank are doing all well and growing.
I once have tried to target feed them (about a month after thy went small) and did this 3x a week for a month.
when target feeding thy did not take a thing so I stoped it.
so now you say thy are hardy, what more can I do, thy are already schrivled for about a year