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Old 07-20-2011, 02:54 AM
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The Codfather The Codfather is offline
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Default Bad Luck

Well, probably not the update you guys want, but an update. In late June with all the rain, I had a sump pump failure(The house sump, not the tank sump). Needless to say with all the rain we have had, it filled the basement pretty quick and by the time I got home from work that night, the basement was pretty sloppy.
Of all the things that could happen, a simple pill switch failure can do a whole lot of damage. So with that being said, the clean up and re-build of the basement has begun, a contractor should be here in the morning so start, thank god for insurance.
I actually laughed a little to my self afterwards, I thought for sure, if there was ever a flood in the basement it would be because of a fish tank. The answer to that is "no". Although I did check the pump in the spring, and I just installed that sump pump when we moved in (3 years ago) I guess if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all.
Now that all the badness is out of the way, lets talk about what has happened.
1- pulled 5 separate circuits in for power, I figure that has to be plenty.
2- pulled a cat5e from the computer into the sump area. That way I can hard wire my controller into my computer
3- ran a 3" fresh air line into top of canopy(for cooling) and a 2" down into sump area(again, cooling and skimmer intake)
4- wired in and installed a 50 cfm fan and de-humidistat into canopy area
5- almost completed the skin of the sump area, (I will finish it all in maple I think, but have a bit of time yet)
6- repaired the ceiling(just have to re-stiple the ceiling
7- removed two of the smaller walls that were left from the bedroom. Nice part about this is now I have a good 4' walk space around all three sides of the tank. It really opened up the basement.
All in all, I haven't had a ton of time, as the summer I have a very demanding job to fill. I become a full time dad to my two girls and they are quite demanding. Now that I have bored most of you to death, you might as well see some of the pictures.
There's plenty of room for all God's creatures.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.
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