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Old 07-19-2011, 05:58 PM
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Lampshade Lampshade is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 629
Lampshade is on a distinguished road

I ran my tank for 6 months with no water changes when i first set it up, worked great. SPS growing like crazy, everything seemed to be balanced. Then my skimmer broke for 2 days shortly after adding some new baserock.... Hair algae explosion. I must have had a nice balance going on, but it was a teeter totter, and i broke it. So anyways, i'm back to changing water like my old system, and the colors my coral are showing are better than ever. It took close to 4 months to get the hair algae under control. I now change 15 gallons every 10 days. I was against it for so long, i don't know why. I don't have a water change station, i drag rubbermaids in from the garage, and empty my RO resivior, mix, cleanup, etc, still only takes 20 min's. I don't even know why i didn't do them originally. And 15 gallons every 10 days is only about $10 a month is salt, by far not the priciest part of my tank(stupid halide electrical bills...).

Seems like everything's happier with that bit of a refresher every little bit.

I've seen some amazing tanks that don't do water changes(One TOTM on here recently)
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