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Old 07-19-2011, 05:57 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
To me a water change is like putting on a fresh pair of underwear. It may not be necessary but it sure does feel nice!
Hahahha! Love it!

I swear by my water changes, especially on my 40g (w/ skimmer). Typically I do 15% weekly but have been for the past few weeks doing 30% weekly (had a small cycle after the rebuild) and have noticed a pretty big difference. I have also been carbon dosing for over a month and it's helped a lot but I still do the water changes, though I find the dosing gives me a little more leeway in how frequently I do changes. I do the changes more for the general wellbeing of the tank rather than the whole trace element bunk.

I hate baths because I feel like I am stewing in my own filth... Its kinda the same for my fish and corals, so I try to do it often.

Now I'm going to go change my water and me undies! Gotta love that fresh feelin'!
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