Originally Posted by Boomboy
thanks doch, i would love to get an 8 bulb but i think the wife wants me to tone it down a bit price wise. i think with 6 bulbs i will get what i need for now, and im sure down the road i will either want more light or a bigger tank ( its always one of the 2  )
I hear you! I just made the big jump from a 55 to a 160 with frag tank and everything. It all adds up.
Not sure if you understood what I said... hard to interpret your reply... the fixture that I have is a 6 bulb. Excellent fixture, only problem is that it's not long enough for my new tank. Like I said, I'm in no rush to get rid of it... I'll make it work for my frag tank for the time being until I sell it and get my new frag lights. The bulbs have about 4 months worth of time left on them.
Also, talk to Steve at Red Coral Edmonton about a tank. His prices cannot be touched, and the tanks are top notch! Sure beats going down to Calgary for a pick up. Truth be told, his prices can't be touched on anything that I['ve seen so far. I got all of my equipment for the upgrade from him... wicked prices.