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Old 07-18-2011, 10:07 PM
Gooly001 Gooly001 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Aldergrove, B.C.
Posts: 451
Gooly001 is on a distinguished road

Hi All,

I will be at the Hikari Trade show booth most of the 2 days and will check back often if I miss anyone, you can leave a message with anyone at Hikari on how I can get a hold of you during the weekend.

Regarding livestock and bringing them back, for all interested parties please email me or PM me for details on this. I need to find out if there's enough interest to warrant the administrative fees involved to bring the corals back.

For all Islander people who are interested, the logistics have changed since originally making this post and Harbour Air no longer flies direct to Victoria via Langley. In order for me to ship corals to Victoria, I now have to travel to the Vancouver Airport to ship through Harbour Air. This is a 2 hour trip for me and unfortunately I now have to take fuel cost and my time into consideration. If there's enough people on the island that want to have their corals shipped Monday after they've crossed the border I will have to charge a small handling fee to cover the above costs (fuel and time) as this is a not for profit service that I'm offering. Hope you understand.

I will be staying at the hotel so everyone is welcome to come up for drinks or meet up for dinner. Please PM me if that is your intention.

Thanks and see you all on Saturday.
