Originally Posted by Aquattro
When I had Discus I changed 90% everyday in 3 tanks. "Pain" doesn't quite describe it -lol
Compared to that, my schedule now is nothing!
I do water changes to freshen everything up. I imagine the fish living in the tank is comparable to when I go play squash. I get to the court, and 2 sweaty people leave, and in I go. And hold my breath because it's disgusting. I have to ask the club to turn on the AC each time, and once they do, it's, well, a breath of fresh air. I think this is good for the fish in a closed system, it's gives them a break from swimming around in fish urine....not to mention replacing lost elements.
Really, I've never looked at a tank and thought "gee, your tank looks like crap, you should stop doing water changes"
Not doing them, IMO, is being lazy and/or cheap. Reef keeping isn't a hobby for lazy/cheap people 
As a note, I've been doing this 10 years now, and I have better results now, doing larger changes, than I've ever had. I'm actually considering do more frequent changes now...
hummm good way to look at it brad, ive always said water changes is what makes a reeftank stable if you do regular changes your sure to see basic success.ive run many tanks with or without skimmers ive dosed and not dosed buty ive always done water changes sometimes twice a week but as of lately ive been seeing and hearing alot of people who dont do them have great success.ive been doing this for 10 yrs as well ,in my first years with folwlr i never ran skimmers or carbon sure i barely had rock half the time lol but water changes is what kept it all alive in my opinion.the times i didnt do water changes or neglected the tank i payed for it but with time comes knowlege and im thinking that it is possible to get away without as long as your not neglecting the tank.
im def not lazy or cheap i mean it takes about 3 mins to do a water change on my little 20g and a bucket of salt will do me a year+ but i got to thinking with all the knowlege weve learned over the years is it possible for the right person to have success or even astonishing growth by just practising good husbandry and keeping a low bio load.
theres prob other factors like source water,established lr,the corals we keep and the fish we have that play a role in whether or not to do water changes and i def wouldnt recommend it to any new people to the hobby, as a person who trys to help new people i actually push water changes on every one of them as well as carbon and skimmers.
the beauty of this hobby is that if you want to see successs then no two tanks will see it the same way i mean what works for one may not work for another and what one person does to achieve this success may not be what another would do.........i guess im more curios as a project more so than trying to save a buck if i had a 180 full on sps dominated reef i prob wouldnt even switch what i was doing in fear the result would be to dramatic but i have a 20g mixed reef with hardy lps and zoas and a very low bio load so im gonna try it as a little project ill still have saltwater on stand by in case something doesnt look right or goes wrong