Originally Posted by reefwars
wow 30% every day even if it is ro only its def got to be a pain lol
When I had Discus I changed 90% everyday in 3 tanks. "Pain" doesn't quite describe it -lol
Compared to that, my schedule now is nothing!
I do water changes to freshen everything up. I imagine the fish living in the tank is comparable to when I go play squash. I get to the court, and 2 sweaty people leave, and in I go. And hold my breath because it's disgusting. I have to ask the club to turn on the AC each time, and once they do, it's, well, a breath of fresh air. I think this is good for the fish in a closed system, it's gives them a break from swimming around in fish urine....not to mention replacing lost elements.
Really, I've never looked at a tank and thought "gee, your tank looks like crap, you should stop doing water changes"
Not doing them, IMO, is being lazy and/or cheap. Reef keeping isn't a hobby for lazy/cheap people

As a note, I've been doing this 10 years now, and I have better results now, doing larger changes, than I've ever had. I'm actually considering do more frequent changes now...