I do 20% of my 70 gallons once a month. My zoanthids are a good indication when it is needed...they shrivel and if I don't do the water change they melt away.
Even if we dose for this and that, there are trace elements that can only be replinished by water change.
Once a month is not too bad though, as I used to do 30% each day for my discus or my nitrates would be off the chart. It's less costly for freshwater of couse as I only needed RO water and that's it, but it was a pain.
Originally Posted by reefwars
would seem some of the nicest tanks out there dont even bother with regular water changes only if need be or in emergency cases and im thinking im joining the bandwagon im gonna mix up some in case i need it for emergency but im cutting it out of my regular routine, call me crazy call me dumb but im given er a shot
who here doesnt bother with them and who here swears they need to be done??
wish me luck!!! 