Thread: growing zoas
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Old 07-17-2011, 07:27 AM
Maverick00 Maverick00 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 380
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I figured id update this thread.

I tried moving some of the blue coloured zoas to the bottom of the tank under some of the shade of the LR. WOW what a tremendous difference in the last couple weeks. Such a minor position change in the tank and these guys appear to be thriving and growing unlike anything ive seen in the last 6 months. Im surprised how far a small change like that goes. As mentioned before, a low flow lower light area does seem to be the ticket for some of these guys anyway.

- 33 Gal - 20Gal Sump, MP10/Hydor Powerheads, Aquaticlife 4x T-5HO, Vertex IN100, TLF w/Biopellets, Tunze ATO

-45GAL Build in Progress!-
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