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Old 07-17-2011, 04:41 AM
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scherzo scherzo is offline
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It is tough to say. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe something will leach out over a long period of time. Who knows... people just say not to use silicone with mold resistance in it.

I guess you could be our guinea pig and let us know how things are doing in a few months.

If it were me, I would have ripped everything out and re-done it because I don't like the risk. But if you have had no problems with it before then let us know if anything bad happens.

I was suggesting the water change only after you changed the silicone (if you changed it) to make sure that any chemicals that were leached into your water was reduced so that it would be less concentrated. Doing it now may or may not do anything since you are just keeping it as is.

Originally Posted by yellowworld View Post
Thanks, should i be worried about it continuing to leach into the water? should i pull the sump and change all the silicone? or should i just do a few heavy water changes? secondly how come only my corals have been effected by it? my fish and crabs and snails are all more then healthy, no breathing problems or loss of appetite and they are all still very active
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