Originally Posted by reefermadness
I don't know how long you have been in the hobby but it is great fore sight to make the system easy to maintain. One of the tricks of being in the hobby for a LONG time is to make maintenance easier on yourself so you don't get tired of it. A lot of new(ish) reefers will forget this part and get tired of skimmer cleaning, top offs and lugging water around for water changes.
Skimmer cleaning? What's that

I've only cleaned my skimmer 3 times in almost 2 years since my aquarium has been running
All joking aside, yes - easy maintenance is KEY. I've got my 40 plus gallon water changes down to 5-6 minutes now after I upgraded my water change pump to a bigger pump. Most of the water change time is waiting for the water to be pumped/drained.