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Old 07-14-2011, 07:14 PM
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PoonTang PoonTang is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Ladysmith BC
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PoonTang is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Those colonies are really looking great. Tank has a mature look to it and your colours are really nice. Where is the FrankenSeio gone that was a sweet DIY project?
It keeps burning out the motors. Apparently tou need the ones that are geared for about 1 rpm. All of the ones that I have been using are in the 3-4 rom range and i think it is just too much for them.
Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
Tank looks great buds hows the green wrasse doing I used to have one. He was a huge digger. love the triggers that you have wish that i had a pair.

Ya this guy is a huge digger too but i doesnt seem to be a problem. However he has been very sick lately. Develoved a large bump on his side and behind his head. dont really know what it was but it had a real dark core and lasted about 3 weeks. His swimming is totally messed up now, he swims almost vertical in the water, doesnt use his tail at all, and seems to have balance problems. I dont know if his swim bladder is shot, or he has nerve damage or both. There doesnt seem to be any improvement but i will give him another week or so then Im afraid i will have to dispach him if there is no improvement. Hate to do it but he really does seem to be struggling.
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