Sweet Kien. I love the overhanging deck. I'll be putting in a 17' x 33' pond in my yard mid to late August. I have 38 tons of rock coming. This rain we've had for the last 2 weeks has not helped with my landscaping. The mosquitos are also causing me to almost quit. You might not want to go deeper. I contemplated going more than 24" deep and didn't see it necessary. If you go more than 24" deep, then you have to get a permit to comply with Alberta swimming pool regulations. And as with more water volume, means more filtration needed. If your 24" is fine, I'd say leave it. It looks awesome with all those fish. Too bad the herons ate 10 of my fish

. That's one main reason I'll have the bridge accross my new pond, for the fish to hide. Thanks for sharing. Love it.