So lately i have been playing around with an idea of doing a man cave in my basement

i know it sound so bad, but been bored of the current setup that i have had for the last four or five years now. So i got this crazy idea of being a guinea pig to try out a new hybrid tank design i have been playing around with.
I will try to explain as best as i can but my skill set is really not on the writing side, what i think and what i put on paper are two totally different things

so here goes, this will be a modified t-shape tank too best fit the area i plan on placing this. I will be doing a hybrid polyethlene/glass bottom because will i just have been hearing a lot of good things about this kind of design so it is worth a try.
here is a rough idea off what i had in mind but i many change a couple of small details as i start the glass work.
the right view

the left view
now the man cave part lol
as far as equipment goes, i am still undecided of what i will be using but have a good idea of which way i am leaning, more to come on this.
i will try to update as i go but i am easily side track as some of you may know lol