Originally Posted by RD
I promote sound husbandry practices, fishytime. Something that I have been doing for a long time, long before forums like this even existed.
And I have been keeping tangs before forums like this existed and have been lucky enough to swim with them in the reefs
On the reefs I observed tangs spending their whole day eating the marine algae off the rock.
Based on my experience the best food for tangs is marine algae in the form of good quality unflavoured nori and, spirulina.
The best source and delivery method is Wardleys spirulina discs. Unlike other brands, spirulina is the first ingredient listed on the label. The best delivery method is the hard spirulina disks because they remain hard for quite a while.
I scatter them around the tank and they fall to the bottom so the tangs spend their day searching for them just like in the wild.
There may be other products but reefers should look for marine algae based foods and avoid foods that contain land based plant fillers.