Originally Posted by phi delt reefer
pull out those hermits - they kill more snails than do any good.
20 ceriths (or 40 dwarf ceriths) - keeps glass/rock clean
20 turbos - keeps glass/rock clean
20 narisuss - keep sand bed clean.
Yupp, I think that's what I'll do.. I saw 2 of them attacking one of my biggest snail

Thanks for the suggestion!
Originally Posted by phi delt reefer
pretty much everyone runs carbon though very few go through HLLE disease (i think you are referring the recent study on this correlation.)
if you are not keen on running ti 24/7 - maybe run it only for a few days before you do a water change.
Yes, I was referring to that recent study I just don't want to take any chances
*Little update*
I've got a skinny Yellow Tang a few months ago and I keep trying to get him fat but it doesn't seem to work.. All my fish are literally obese but somehow my Yellow Tang won't gain any weight
While I was feeding them today I realized that my Yellow Tang has Black Black Ich for the second time and it's just weird cuz there's no stress in the tank, all my other fish look amazing and the water parameters are good but the nitrates (20ppm), so I'm guessing it's because he's underweight

I'm gonna buy a veggie clip on Friday and I hope it helps him to get some weight.
I also don't feel like destroying my tank to threat him, will a cleaner wrasse and cleaner shrimp do the trick?