yeah, the clowns are with other fish, but surprisingly, they dont seem to mind them. Okay, here's what I have:
2 clowns
1 tailspot blenny
1 neon goby
corals: zoas, torch, candycane, mushrooms, duncans, 1 coco worm, pulsing xenia, and an unidentified neon green and brown something.
1 large fire shrimp
The only disputes are the male clown with the shrimp occasionly and the candycane. And the female clown sometimes picks a fight with the blenny. But they dont nip at each other. The goby is basically ignored the clowns, but is friends with the blenny.
@clk666: Yes, I have considered selling them, so if things dont get any better I might send you a pm if you really want them...
@ponokareefer: haha I seriously wouldnt doubt the egg idea. I just wouldnt have time for it