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Old 07-12-2011, 06:39 AM
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Jenn_737700 Jenn_737700 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Airdrie, Alberta
Posts: 45
Jenn_737700 is on a distinguished road

he's a false percula, and captive bred im pretty certain. I've got him in a ten gallon with a few other fish and corals. He eats a lot at feeding times, so im sure he isnt biting out of hunger. It might be a territorial thing, but it just never showed until the featherduster incident. I dont blame him for that, because it ended up right in his favourite swimming place Anyway, the candycane and shrimp nipping only started a few weeks ago, and both had been in the tank for a month or more. I'll definately keep a bigger tank in mind. Although I dont really have the money, room or time for another...
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