i suppose ppl could drink anything. ive heard of ppl drinking lysol and rubbing alchohol.. so it wouldnt surprise me.... but seriously if they are drinking it they have other issues. im dosing my tank for the sake of experiment and need. im tired of taking a tooth brush to my tank every two weeks just to have it grow back more. i realise this is still a bandaid to the situation i think my refugium is causing alot of the problems, it needs a good cleaning...and will be done this week if the twins dont arrive.
a: my skimmer pump fubared and didnt help the situation..
b: i have tried water changes every 2 days lights off and changing my carbon.
c: tank is too small for a tang to munch on it.
so i figured id give it a shot dosing a little every other day with 20% water changes after a week. and when my new skimmer pump arrives. hopefully i can stop and continue normally. but i will say the water column is crystal clear for the time bieng and my corals seem happier thus far.