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Old 07-12-2011, 04:21 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
You're funny (I think...)'s not poison. Actualy this is a very good product to make a dog vomit when you suspect the animal had eaten something bad or poison. Not straight mind you, but mixed with water. But we do not use this straight either in the aquarium and it is much diluted.

I would not drink it simply because first it's stupid, second it would make me too...vomit.

But your reasoning is off...not because it's not poison there is a reason to drink it and not because we cannot drink it without vomiting that it's bad or poison.

It's and oxydizer, just like the red slime remover or potassium permanganate. Some people use it in emergency to bring up the oxygen level in freshwater. It's a very usefull product but of course it must be used with common sense...

It's all about dosage.

agreed its all about the dosage ive been reading plenty on it and theres def alot of good reviews but all the reviews have the same thing in common which is to use it correctly so for someone who is new to the hobby happens to hear through the grape vine hydrogen peroxide will kill your hair algae and decides to dump a undiluted bottle into their tank is probably gonna get an unpleasant surprise.people who are dealing with bad algae problems are most always looking for a quick fix , prob best left for those more experiened with dosing than someone who just wants to get rid of a little green.

im not against it i just dont see the need for it when it comes to algae ,my tank 2mths ago was completely covered in hair algae all my parameters were off the chart from the tank being left at someones house for 2 mths and no one to take care of it, you couldnt see through the glass and all the rock like 100% was conmpletely covered in HA and turf it stands now 2 mths later i have practically none at all maybe 2" x 2" and even that is dying away film algae,no algae on my sand and rocks actually look like rocks again.i havent added anything to my tank that wasnt there when it got bad all it took was a regular routine of husbandry and a bit of patience.

i wouldnt use red slime remover either for the record not because it doesnt work which it does just because im not a fan of adding stuff like that to my tank when its really not needed.

the only thing that hits my tank now is new saltwater if i have to add stuff in an emergency than so be it, im not against it just not a fan i prefer a more subtle approach to things and let stuff find its balance which it usually does with the right care
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