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Old 07-11-2011, 05:38 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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If you have new powerheads or other equipment, those can be a source of silicates and the like, so trying to track down a culprit can be a fruitless adventure (though it is necessary). If it's a new set up you'll just have to ride through it. On a 30g I recommend weekly water changes... The water volume is just too small to go a long time. I run only nanos and I've found that more the more frequent, the better. And since it's a small tank, water changes aren't huge... So you have no excuse to complain :P This will help with the algae.

I've run nanos both with and without skimmers and, though I still have mixed feelings for them, they're a good investment. The more nutrients you take away from the algae, the more it will disappear. Make sure you do water changes when the algae start to die off to get the nutrients they release out of the water.

Looking forward to see where your tank goes! Shoot me a PM if you ever want some nano help or ideas.
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