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Old 07-11-2011, 02:59 PM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Coquitlam, BC
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MKLKT is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by chris88 View Post
Hermits wont touch you algae, and snails wont do much either. you need to find the root cause of it which is probably excess nutrients from over feeding and not enough skimming and water changes.
Agreed, treating the cause will serve you much better in the long run. Generally hermits and snails eat and clean up detritus and other stuff that you can't easily see. Investigate sources of phosphates and silicates in your water and try to reduce them, even just fixing that will starve out the algae. You can also try macro-algae which will feed on a lot of things that you want to remove from the water anyway.

PS Starry Blennies are my favourite, you can check mine out in my tank journal
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